Ritual. Reflection. Connection

Women’s circles in Gloucestershire. Beautiful spaces offering a chance to slow down and reconnect with yourself - with meditations, sharing stories, words of wisdom, seasonal rituals, sisterhood, and moments of discovery.

Women’s circles offer the chance to develop a regular practice of self-reflection, connection with nature and the seasons, the opportunity to look deeper within, rituals to honour our journey through life, in a safe circle of women, free from judgement, where our stories are met with openness, warmth and compassion.

Next circles…

14 May
The Circling Year

7:30 -9pm, Daglingworth, near Cirencester


My goodness me, you’re so good at holding space. Every session is just so wonderful. I slept really well after last night and today I didn’t feel my normal morning stress doing the school run. Yesterday evening has totally reset my mindset. I’m so grateful for you and what you’ve created. It’s very powerful and so special. Thank you for starting this.
— Sarah
It was such a special evening. The circle was absolutely beautiful. I felt comfortable and at ease - it was such a warm, personal welcome.
— Laura
You really are naturally gifted in so many ways. I’m so grateful to have found a local women’s circle after so long of looking for one. Thank you so much for setting it up.
— Linda
A beautiful, warm atmosphere in which to come together and share thoughts, experiences and reflections. I came away feeling very inspired, supported and motivated to make intentional choices in how I approach the coming season. I’d highly recommend anyone considering coming along to do so.
— Becca
I loved the Equinox Circle I attended at Emma’s home recently. She created a wonderful, calm, life-enhancing space for us and her home is beautiful and welcoming. The readings Emma shared, the space she created around the fire in her delightful garden and the lunch she provided were delicious and warming. I left feeling uplifted and spacious and thoroughly recommend her Circles.
— Sarah Layton, Growthfully
I would totally recommend giving yourself this opportunity to ‘breathe into your being’. Beautifully professional, nurturing & reflective. A wealth of feminine connectivity.
— Becky Kimberly
It was lovely to join you in circle last night. I felt like I let go of a lot of the weight I have been carrying this month and feel so much better today for breathing and sleeping better. Thank you.
— Steph
This went beyond my expectations. The setting was beautiful and the welcome was so warm. I instantly felt comfortable in the surroundings, something I often find hard.
— Clare

“I believe in the importance of slowing down and connecting with yourself and your community of sisters.”

28 May
The Circling Year

7:30 -9pm, Daglingworth, near Cirencester


11 June
The Circling Year

7:30 -9pm, Daglingworth, near Cirencester


“We're disconnected, we need to come back to ourselves. Circles encourage us to take regular care of ourselves.”

“We will tell stories, share our truth and feel the invisible thread of sisterhood that connects us all.”